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Techtrix - IT Solutions & Technology WordPress Theme

Techtrix - IT Solutions & Technology WordPress Theme

$59 Free
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Last updated: 19 May 24


Techtrix WordPress theme is a clean and modern design for startup and It services. The theme comes up with a powerful page builder ( Elementor ) with a drag and drops feature. The theme also included the power of redux options which make theme more easy to editable. The theme is ideal solution for technology services websites without writing a single line of code.

Techtrix is built with the latest web technologies (Bootstrap framework, icon font, etc.) with the care of coding quality to make sure the theme works with all browsers and all devices.

Fast, intuitive, and smart page Techtrix will make your customization fast and easy. Your layout will be ready for publishing in a minute!

Last Update 19 May 2024
Published 18 June 2021
Gutenberg Optimized No
High Resolution Yes
Widget Ready Yes
Compatible Browsers IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge
Compatible With Elementor, WooCommerce 7.x.x, WooCommerce 6.x.x, WooCommerce 5.x.x, Bootstrap 5.x
Software Version WordPress 6.5.x, WordPress 6.4.x, WordPress 6.3.x, WordPress 6.2.x, WordPress 6.1.x, WordPress 6.0.x, WordPress 5.9.x, WordPress 5.8.x, WordPress 5.7.x, WordPress 5.6.x, WordPress 5.5.x, WordPress 5.4.x, WordPress 5.3.x, WordPress 5.2.x, WordPress 5.1.x, WordPress 5.0.x, WordPress 4.9.x
ThemeForest Files Included PHP Files, HTML Files, CSS Files, JS Files
Columns 4+
Documentation Well Documented
Layout Responsive
Tags agency business, data, digital, innovative, it, it solutions, it solutions theme, modern, saas, software, software company, software theme, startup, technology company, technology theme