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Listar - WordPress Directory and Listing Theme

Listar - WordPress Directory and Listing Theme

$59 Free
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Last updated: 20 Jan 25


Listar is a WordPress directory theme featuring innovative design, mainly based in color variations, circular/wavy shapes and eye catching animations. The layout is powered with Bootstrap Grid System, ensuring responsive adaptation and excellent navigation approach on every device and modern browsers.

With Listar you can create your own directory of listings from scratch, without need of code skills. You can organize these listings by categories and regions, append amenities, publish galleries of photos, register addresses (locations) to generate maps, and so much more.

Listar Directory has been very well rated since the launching day. We just would like to say thanks for all customers who have dedicated a short but valuable time to provide this awesome feedback. We promise to keep doing our best, new features and improvements are coming in time.

Last Update 20 January 2025
Published 27 November 2019
Gutenberg Optimized Yes
High Resolution Yes
Widget Ready Yes
Compatible Browsers IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge
Compatible With WooCommerce 7.x.x, WooCommerce 6.x.x, WooCommerce 5.x.x
Framework Underscores
Software Version WordPress 6.2.x, WordPress 6.1.x, WordPress 6.0.x, WordPress 5.9.x, WordPress 5.8.x, WordPress 5.7.x, WordPress 5.6.x, WordPress 5.5.x, WordPress 5.4.x, WordPress 5.3.x, WordPress 5.2.x, WordPress 5.1.x, WordPress 5.0.x, WordPress 4.9.x
ThemeForest Files Included PHP Files, CSS Files, JS Files
Columns 4+
Documentation Well Documented
Layout Responsive
Tags business directory, city directory, classified, directory, directory guide, directory theme, listing directory, listings, local directory, map directory, review listings, tour directory, travel directory, wordpress directory